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8 Money Life Hacks You Can Start Today

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There are plenty of ways to save money and make your life easier. But who has the time to sort through all of the options? We’ve done the work for you and compiled a list of our favorite money life hacks. From simple tips to more involved projects, these hacks will help you save time and money. Check them out and let us know which ones are your favorites!

man holding five $100 bills with  above text that says 8 money life hacks you can start today

Always have a list when shopping

Writing down each item before you go out gives you the opportunity to compare prices between stores, reducing the chance of overspending on certain items.

With lists, shoppers tend to focus on buying only what they need instead of being tempted by promotions or unnecessary impulse purchases.

Furthermore, if two people are shopping together, creating a single shared list allows them both to stay focused and increases their chances of getting a better deal on their joint purchases.

Purchase pre-loved items

Purchasing pre-loved goods offers a number of advantages over purchasing brand new products. Pre-loved means that the item was loved by someone before it was put up for sale.

One major advantage is that these items are typically priced much lower than their new counterparts, meaning shoppers can save significant amounts on high quality goods simply by purchasing them secondhand. 

You can purchase or find second-hand items from a variety of places both online and in-person. One of the most popular places to shop for second-hand items is garage sales, thrift stores, and flea markets.

Here you will find a wide range of items that have been previously owned but are still in good condition. You can also search online through websites such as eBay and Craigslist to find good deals on second-hand items.

With a bit of research, you can find great bargains on furniture, clothing, electronics, books, and much more. 

Put an end to low-interest savings account

Putting an end to your low-interest savings account doesn’t have to be complicated or time consuming. There are several options available that can help you get the most out of your money while still providing you with the security and peace of mind that comes with a traditional bank account. 

High-yield bank accounts can be found through a variety of different institutions and services. Many banks and credit unions offer high-yield accounts that feature competitive interest rates, as well as additional benefits such as low fees, access to ATM networks, and other perks. 

In addition, there are a number of online banks that offer high-yield accounts with even higher interest rates than traditional brick-and-mortar institutions. These online banks often have fewer fees and use cutting-edge technology to provide their customers with better savings opportunities. 

Pay off debt first

Debt is an unwelcome burden that has a significant and lasting impact on one’s financial health. When individuals or businesses find themselves in debt, it can lead to long-term financial instability and difficulty in achieving other financial goals.

Debt can lead to high-interest payments, late payment fees, and even bankruptcy. The most common types of debt include credit card debt, student loan debt, auto loans, mortgage loans, and medical debt. 

If you want to save money, it’s important to prioritize paying off debt first. Building up savings while also managing credit card payments can be hard, but with the right strategies and an action plan in place, anyone can learn how to pay off their debt and save money in the long run. 

The first step is to take a look at your current financial situation. Assess all of your debts—including student loans, mortgages and credit cards—to determine which ones should be paid off first. 

Take into account both interest rates and amounts due each month so that you can create a budget that will help you prioritize your resources. Once you have determined which debts have the highest interest rates or the largest balances, focus on paying those down as quickly as possible.

Go through your subscriptions

It’s easy to sign up for a subscription service and forget about it. That monthly charge can add up quickly, and before you know it, you could be paying hundreds of dollars each year on subscriptions that you don’t use.

In order to save money and free up some extra cash in your budget, take the time to review your subscription services and decide which ones are still worth the cost. 

To start, make a list of all the services you are subscribed to and then evaluate each one to determine whether or not it is worthwhile.

Ask yourself questions such as: How often do I use this service? Is there a less expensive alternative that can do the same thing? Can I get by without it for now? This can help you decide if you should keep or cancel a particular subscription. 

Woman holding notebook with cash inside.

Use discount gift cards

Not only do discount gift cards help individuals save money, but they can also be used as gifts for others. Discounted digital and physical gift cards make it easy to find something special for someone without breaking the bank.

Just browse through a variety of retailers and savings amounts until you find the perfect card. With so many retailers offering discounted gift cards, it’s easier than ever before to get a great deal every time you shop.

When it comes to finding discount gift cards, there are a variety of ways to go about it. One option is to search for online marketplaces that sell discounted gift cards. These marketplaces often offer large discounts on a wide range of brands and retailers, so you can often find deals that help you save money. 

Additionally, many websites offer daily or weekly deals on gift cards, so it pays to check back regularly. You can also find discounted gift cards in physical stores such as supermarkets or pharmacies.

Finally, if you’re willing to shop around a bit, you may be able to get discounted gift cards directly from the retailer. Some retailers offer discounts for signing up for their loyalty program, or even for simply asking.  

Make saving cash a habit

Create a spending plan that includes savings goals and how much you need in order to reach them. You should set aside as much as possible each month and if necessary cut back on some expenses so that you can put money away for the future. 

Automate deposits into a savings account which will help you stay on track with your goals by making it easy and convenient to save regularly.

Additionally, think about setting up accounts specifically for different purposes such as buying a car or taking a vacation so that it’s easier to keep track of what your savings are going towards.

Track expenses

Tracking your spending helps you develop the discipline necessary for smart money management. It can also help you identify areas where you might be able to save more and make better decisions about how best to deploy your funds. 

A great way to start tracking your spending is by writing down or recording everything that you spend each day or week so that you can develop an accurate picture over time.

Doing this regularly will give you a thorough understanding of where your money goes and what will motivate you to budget more carefully.