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What is Loud Budgeting

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Loud budgeting is a viral money trend that has gained popularity on TikTok, thanks to content creator Lukas Battle. It encourages people to openly discuss and share their financial goals, spending habits, and strategies for saving money.

By embracing loud budgeting, individuals can take control of their finances and make informed decisions to achieve their financial goals. In this article, we will explore the concept of loud budgeting and the steps to implement it effectively.

Couple Budgeting

What Is Loud Budgeting

Loud budgeting is a financial strategy that emphasizes open communication and transparency when it comes to managing money. It encourages individuals to openly discuss their financial goals, prioritize their spending, and make informed decisions. The concept of loud budgeting rejects societal pressures to overspend and focuses on aligning financial choices with personal values and long-term objectives. By practicing loud budgeting, individuals can take control of their finances and make intentional choices that align with their financial goals.

Advantages and benefits of Loud Budgeting

Loud budgeting offers several advantages and benefits. By openly discussing budget constraints with others, individuals can gain a better understanding of their income, expenses, and financial goals. It promotes financial responsibility by deterring impulse spending and fostering better money management habits. Also, loud budgeting reduces peer pressure to overspend and promotes open communication with family and friends, creating a supportive network for financial decision-making.

Other Budgeting Methods Comparison

Budgeting is a crucial financial tool that helps individuals and businesses plan their finances effectively. There are various methods of budgeting, each with its unique features, advantages, and disadvantages. Let’s explore some of these methods, including loud budgeting.

1. Zero-Based Budgeting (ZBB)

Meaning: Zero-based budgeting requires every expense to be justified for each new period. This means starting from zero and building up the budget with only necessary expenses.


  • It promotes efficiency by eliminating unnecessary costs.
  • It encourages critical evaluation of all expenses.


  • It can be time-consuming as it requires detailed justification for each expense.
  • It may not be practical for larger organizations with numerous expenses.

2. Incremental Budgeting

Meaning: Incremental budgeting uses the previous period’s budget or actual performance as a base, with incremental amounts added for the new budget period.


  • It’s simple and easy to understand.
  • It provides budget stability and predictability.


  • It doesn’t encourage efficiency as it assumes past expenses were necessary.
  • It discourages innovation since it relies heavily on historical data.

3. Activity-Based Budgeting (ABB)

Meaning: Activity-based budgeting involves determining the cost of different activities necessary for producing an output.


  • It provides a more accurate cost for products or services.
  • It identifies inefficient processes or activities.


  • It can be complex and time-consuming.
  • It requires extensive knowledge of all business activities.

4. Loud Budgeting

Meaning: Loud budgeting is an informal approach where budgeting discussions are held openly (or ‘loudly’). It’s often used in small groups or families to include everyone in the budgeting process.


  • It promotes transparency and understanding of the budget among all participants.
  • It encourages participation and collective decision-making.


  • It can lead to disagreements or conflicts if not managed properly.
  • It may not be suitable for larger groups or organizations due to its informal nature.

In conclusion, the choice of a budgeting method depends on individual or organizational needs, the complexity of finances, and personal preferences. It’s important to understand the pros and cons of each method to make an informed decision.

Please note that the best budgeting method depends on individual financial situations, goals, and personal habits.

Planning Budget Concept

Steps to Implement Loud Budgeting

To implement loud budgeting, individuals can follow several steps. First, they should set clear financial goals to guide their budgeting decisions. Then, they can identify and prioritize their spending categories, distinguishing between essential and non-essential expenses.

Next, tracking expenses through a budget spreadsheet or budgeting apps can help monitor spending habits. Strategies for cutting expenses, such as identifying non-essential expenses and implementing cost-saving techniques, can also be employed.

Also, individuals can explore additional sources of income and implement saving and investing strategies. Lastly, regularly reviewing and updating the budget allows for adjustments and improvements.

Setting financial goals

Setting financial goals is an important first step in implementing loud budgeting. Individuals should take the time to identify their financial aspirations, whether it’s saving for a down payment on a home, paying off debt, or building an emergency fund.

These goals provide direction and motivation for budgeting decisions and help prioritize spending. By setting clear and specific financial goals, individuals can create a roadmap for their financial success.

Identifying and prioritizing spending categories

Identifying and prioritizing spending categories is a crucial aspect of loud budgeting. It involves examining your expenses and categorizing them into different areas, such as housing, transportation, groceries, entertainment, etc.

This helps you gain a clear understanding of where your money is going and allows you to prioritize your spending based on your financial goals. By recognizing which categories have the most significant impact on your budget, you can make informed decisions on where to cut back or allocate more funds.

person Budgeting Money

Tracking Expenses

Tracking expenses is a crucial step in loud budgeting. It involves keeping a record of all the money you spend and categorizing it accordingly. This can be done by creating a budget spreadsheet or using budgeting apps or software.

By tracking your expenses, you gain a clear understanding of where your money is going and can identify any areas of overspending. It also helps you stay on track with your financial goals and make necessary adjustments to your spending habits.

Creating a budget spreadsheet

Creating a budget spreadsheet is an effective way to track and manage your expenses. It allows you to organize your income, expenses, and savings in a clear and structured format. With a budget spreadsheet, you can easily see how much money is coming in and going out, identify areas of overspending, and make necessary adjustments to stay on track with your financial goals. By inputting your expenses and income regularly, you can maintain an accurate and up-to-date record of your finances.

Using budgeting apps or software

Using budgeting apps or software can be an effective way to track and manage your expenses. These tools provide a convenient and organized platform for budgeting, allowing you to easily input your income and expenses and generate reports on your spending habits. Budgeting apps often come with additional features, such as bill reminders and goal tracking, to help you stay on top of your finances. Some popular budgeting apps include YNAB (You Need a Budget), and Personal Capital.

These apps can be downloaded onto your smartphone or accessed through a web browser, giving you flexibility and accessibility to your budgeting information. By utilizing budgeting apps or software, you can streamline your budgeting process and gain a clearer understanding of your financial situation.

person Planning Budget Counting Money

Strategies for Cutting Expenses

To effectively cut expenses, individuals can start by identifying non-essential expenses that can be eliminated or reduced. This may include dining out, subscription services, or luxury purchases. Implementing cost-saving techniques, such as buying in bulk or researching discounts, can also help save money.

Also, individuals can explore strategies for reducing monthly bills, such as renegotiating contracts or switching to more affordable service providers. By implementing these strategies, individuals can significantly reduce their expenses and allocate more funds towards savings or debt repayment.

Identifying non-essential expenses

When implementing Loud Budgeting, one of the key steps is identifying non-essential expenses. This involves taking a close look at your spending habits and determining which expenses are necessary for your basic needs and which are discretionary and can be eliminated or reduced.

Non-essential expenses may include dining out, subscription services, or luxury purchases. By identifying and cutting back on these non-essential expenses, individuals can free up more money to allocate towards their financial goals.

Implementing cost-saving techniques

One of the key steps in Loud Budgeting is implementing cost-saving techniques to reduce expenses and increase savings. This can include strategies such as shopping for discounted items, using coupons, meal planning and cooking at home, shopping in bulk, and finding ways to save on utilities and household expenses. By adopting these cost-saving techniques, individuals can effectively manage their finances and make progress towards their financial goals.

Increasing Income

One of the key aspects of loud budgeting is finding ways to increase your income. This can involve exploring additional sources of income, such as taking on a side hustle or freelancing gig, renting out a spare room in your home, or starting a small business. Also, investing and saving strategies can also help in growing your income over time. By increasing your income, you can not only meet your financial goals more quickly but also have more flexibility in your budget.

Exploring additional sources of income

One of the key aspects of loud budgeting is finding ways to increase income. This can involve exploring additional sources of income, such as taking on a side hustle or freelancing gig, renting out a spare room in your home, or starting a small business. These additional streams of income can provide flexibility in your budget and help you meet your financial goals more quickly.

Investing and saving strategies

When following loud budgeting, it’s important to not only focus on cutting expenses, but also on growing your savings and investments. Some investing and saving strategies to consider include:

  1. Building an emergency fund: Set aside a portion of your income for unexpected expenses.
  2. Investing in retirement accounts: Contribute to retirement accounts such as a 401(k) or IRA to secure your financial future.
  3. Diversifying investments: Spread your investments across different asset classes to reduce risk.
  4. Automating savings: Set up automatic transfers to savings accounts to make saving effortless.
  5. Exploring investment opportunities: Research different investment options such as stocks, bonds, or real estate to find the best fit for your goals.

Remember, the key is to consistently save and invest to build a strong financial foundation for the long term.

A Person Budgeting Money with text: "What is Loud Budgeting"

Monitoring and Adjusting the Budget

Regularly reviewing and updating the budget is a crucial step in loud budgeting. By monitoring expenses and income on a regular basis, you can identify any areas where you may be overspending and make necessary adjustments. It’s important to stay flexible and open to making changes as needed to ensure that your budget aligns with your financial goals. Take the time to review your budget at least once a month and make any necessary adjustments to stay on track.

Regularly reviewing and updating the budget

Regularly reviewing and updating the budget is a crucial step in loud budgeting. By monitoring expenses and income on a regular basis, individuals can identify any areas where they may be overspending and make necessary adjustments.

It’s important to stay flexible and open to making changes as needed to ensure that the budget aligns with financial goals. Taking the time to review the budget at least once a month and making any necessary adjustments helps individuals stay on track and achieve their financial objectives.

Identifying areas for improvement and adjustmentg

Identifying areas for improvement and adjustment in the budget is a key step in loud budgeting. By regularly reviewing expenses and income, individuals can identify areas where they may be overspending or not allocating enough funds. This allows them to make necessary adjustments and find ways to improve their financial management. It’s important to be open to change and continuously strive for financial growth and stability.